Saturday, November 23, 2013

Does Texting Affect your English Skills?
Most of us, texting became a part of our life. Everyday, every minute, some of us have textmates. Most of us were bored having the correct spelling of each words they type while  having a reply to their textmate, making those words shorter, making it invaluable with the information in relation with our english vocabulary. "cge, nnnd2 na ko.". Those are some examples of words that they referred to be shorter for easier texting.
They eliminate vowels, consonants as long as the thought or the receiver might guess or might think the appropriate word that they mean. Right now, there are some terms that we refer to as "jejemon". "helow phhooowwzzz, kkamoouzzta phhhoowwwzzz???". This is an example of a text with a jejemon format. Yes, I know that it makes their time to consume more if they text like this. They're just making each word longer than others. I know that it's just according to people's taste.
Let's say that I'm one of those who text everyday, but I only have one textmate everyday. I'm a type of a person who doesn't refer making each word shorter, but there are some instance where I use shorter words such as "cge, k, panu, aun" and others. I know that since texting became somewhat a part of my life, it somehow affects some of my vocabulary, ONLY if I am texting but if it is in terms of having in our everyday life, it doesn't affect me.
There are some that can be affected by their texting capability. But, it's up to the person if it will affect his/her vocabulary if he shortens the texts he/she has.

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