Friday, October 25, 2013

Enigmatic Feeling When In Love

              As we grow up, there is a type of a feeling where most of those who experienced can't explain. This feeling is what you call love. Love, love is everywhere, love is in every corner. But first of all, what is love? As we hear in our radio, as we watch it in a movie, we all knew that because of love, most of those who fell in love change. It changes the course of their life. Some say that love causes you happiness which extends to your meter of happiness but some say that love causes you pain. Love is in different aspects. Love has different meanings, different interpretations and in different ways.
              Once, I asked myself, what is the meaning of love for me. Even before, I searched it's definition here in internet. It was said that love is an affection or a relationship between two person. But for me, it is somewhat different, still it is a relationship between two person. I can't actually explain my own meaning of love.
              " In love, everything is possible." Those words filled my mind. Is it true that in love, everything is possible? Most of us say that if love is true, then both of you will stand against all odds. Even if there will be problems that both of you will encounter, you can still find a way to stand against those problems. Both of you can conquer anything for love.
              One of my close friends told me, " You can only appreciate the word "love" once you experience to get hurt" Those words stabbed me in my heart. My close friend told me that the moment I was filled with despair, with too much loneliness. What do you think is the reason for this emotional state? Maybe it's because I'm too exaggerating at some things or maybe it was the pain that I felt at that time. That was a recent event in my life. That was just one of the challenges that I might face. Nevertheless, I am still here, standing, conquering those challenges and proving to the world that even if problems arise, I will still prove and stand that she is the one that I love and will love forever.
              If you're wondering if I'm in love, yes I am in love (it's obvious). Before, I haven't realized that I was in love with her. I was wondering before why I think of her all the time. I wondered at those moments if she's alright, if she's happy. Those moments gave me loneliness because that time was my vacation. When we finally met each other for almost 2 months, I still have no idea why I was glad that I met her, that I saw her at that time. When class started, that was when I realized one thing, I had a crush on her.
              Before THAT day, I told her that I will tell her something on my birthday. If you're wondering for my relationship with her, she's my best friend. I also told her that I don't have any feelings for my previous crush ( I told her that because at that time, we talked about crush). After I told her that, she always asked me if I am sure about it, if it was 100%, and she's asking what characteristic do the one that I like now which is different than to my previous crush. I have no idea why she asked me that during those moments.
         THAT day came and I still remember that moment. It was Sunday afternoon when I had a conversation with her on facebook. that's when I confessed my feelings to her. I know that it is an awkward moment because I confessed my feelings in facebook, instead of telling it to her face to face. I was shocked when she replied to me, telling me that she also like me. It was a breath-taking moment as I read her reply. After it, it felt like I was filled with so much emotion. I was so happy at that moment.
              After that realization, lot of things happened. It felt like the whole world within me was enlighten. I was able to greet each day with a smile telling the world that because of her, those things happened to me. Days passed by and the feelings that I had to her and the feelings that she had to me grew. Until it was the time when we realized, that we are in love with each other. It's like that I was so happy even right now and I can tell that I love her so much.
              There are moments when we encounter problems that will affect us. At this moment, there was a part when I had a misunderstanding to her but instead of affecting the connection between me and her, it became stronger each time problem arise.
              There are lots of reasons why I loved her. There are lots of characteristics that she possess. The best characteristics that she have is that she is so kind. If I will make a list, I will never finish writing those reasons. If I will tell her the reasons, it will last until forever. For me, it proves that in love, everything is possible. You can do anything for love.
               I always tell her that I will do anything for her. Even if I need to tell her that I love her a million time, I will do it. I will do anything just to show how much I love her. I will always help her every time she needs me. I will always be at her side, listening to her problems, to her story and to her beautiful voice.
              I always tell her that I'm glad that I met her, that she became my classmate. I am so grateful that I had a conversation to her and she became my best friend and thought of her as my sister. Last but not the least, I am so happy and grateful that I realized that I love her and will love her forever.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Play of Destiny: Evils Fall; Heroes Rise

   This story starts with the most fairest maiden of all, Juliet Capulet. She was the only daughter of a wealthy family in Verona who fell deeply in love with Romeo Montague, who came from a very poor family. They secretly meet every night under the light of the moon even though Juliet was already engaged to Brutus of Rome, Julius Caesar’s heir to the throne. Their never let their parents know about their relationship for the Capulets strongly believe that they have to protect their honor and dignity.
           One day, Julius Caesar who came from a different kingdom, went to Verona in search for new knights to add to his troops. He wanted to take revenge on Macbeth for killing his brother. Even those who are not of royal blood were required to join. Since Romeo was one of the strongest in his village, he was chosen to be part of the alliance against the uprising tyranny of Macbeth. The night before Julius’ ships leave, Romeo sneaked into Juliet’s garden, just below her balcony. They exchanged vows and promised not to love another person beside themselves.
            The next morning, the knights were assembled. In the most enormous ship stayed Julius Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Mark Antony, Romeo, MONTAGUE, and the other knights of Verona. The ships sailed heading to the Dunsinane castle where the tyrant, Macbeth resides. On their third day, an unexpected storm came and destroyed their peaceful voyage. They ended up on a small island of fairies. They noticed that this island was destroyed and abandoned so they didn’t fear whatever the fairies have in store for them. Romeo, who was seeking for help, encountered a boy named Lysander. He was surprised to see a fairy named Puck behind the enigmatic boy. Romeo saw it in his eyes that the boy was suffering from grief. Lysander told Romeo about the tragedy that their kingdom experienced under the evil hands of Macbeth. Oberon, their king, ruled peacefully over that kingdom until Macbeth came to destroy everything they had. Oberon was assassinated and all the other residents were killed from the forest fire except Hermia, who was held captive. Also, Lysander and Puck survived because Macbeth’s troops missed them.  Lysander suddenly felt enraged and wanted to take revenge on Macbeth. Romeo revealed that the purpose of their voyage was to also take revenge on Macbeth for killing Julius Caesar’s brother, Duncan.
               And so Lysander joined the troops with the permission of Julius after narrating the story behind the destroyed kingdom. However, they have a big problem: the ships were totally wrecked. Puck had an idea. He used his abilities to repair and restore the broken ships. The ships sailed immediately to finally end Macbeth’s evil reign.
            Meanwhile, Macbeth and Prospero, the thane of Cawdor conversed. Macbeth asked about the planned ship wreck. On the other hand, Prospero was capable of supernatural abilities because of Ariel, his powerful servant spirit. He eagerly informed Macbeth that he was successful in causing the storm for the ships wreck. Suddenly, Prospero thought out of the blue. He asked, “Your highness, what is the purpose of all these destructions?” Macbeth answered, “Duncan took my twin and mother away from me. My father died of grief after. When I grew up, I became the thane of Glamis, and followed every order King Duncan commands. One day, a battle between this kingdom and the Norwegians emerged. After the Norwegians have been defeated, I encountered three witches who told me of some prophecies. They foresaw that I will become the thane of Cawdor and eventually become the king. Even before I could go back to the castle, Lennox and Ross, the noblemen told me that the current thane of Cawdor fought for the Norwegians instead and that I will become the thane of Cawdor. I told my wife, Lady Macbeth about it and without a second thought, she convinced me to kill Duncan and so I did. I poured poison in his ear, without anybody knowing except me and my wife.
              Fortunately, no one knew who the killer was. I became the king afterwards. I was successful and so I did not waste any time. I destroyed Oberon’s kingdom in search of my twin and MOTHER, but they weren’t there. Now, people have turned their backs on me. No one would support me nor follow every command of mine.”
                Even before Julius Caesar’s ships arrive, Puck placed an enchantment on their ship to make them invisible. When they got there, Puck flew away, heading to the castle immediately. He went to the sleeping Hamlet, Macbeth’s son, and poured love’s potion on his eyes. The first person he’ll see when he wakes up will be the apple of his eye. Then he left in search of Hermia. He found her sleeping on one of the cells, alone. He woke her up and told her about his plan. The plan was to make Hamlet fall in love with Hermia and make him betray his own father. Even though Hermia truly love Lysander, she still agreed to Puck’s plan. After narrating his plan, Puck went back to Lysander and the troops. He also told them the plan but Lysander didn’t agree.
    Meanwhile, Hermia’s cell was next to Hamlet’s room so she decided to make a noise to wake Hamlet up and get his attention. Hamlet woke up and the first person he saw was Hermia and he immediately fell in love with her. He confessed his love and Hermia took advantage of the moment. Then she uttered these words “My dear Hamlet if you truly love me, deny thy father and refuse thy name” and Hamlet said “I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized. Henceforth I never will be Hamlet.”  Instantly, Hamlet opened her cell. They went back to the shore of Scotland to open the gates for Julius Caesar and his knights. They started invading the kingdom and some people prepared to set the castle on fire. Knights versus knights, slaves versus slaves, and the officials went for Macbeth’s head but Prospero and Macbeth’s knights went on their way. Only Julius was able to reach Macbeth. Julius and Macbeth finally had the chance to face each other --- without any help from any other knights. Macbeth knew that that moment would come so he prepared a poisoned sword for him. The fight started and Julius earned the first hit. Then Macbeth said, “What did your brother do to my twin and my mother?” “I have nothing to do with them. My only concern is my brother. How could you kill a man so noble and kind?” said Julius. “LIES! Your brother ruined my family and now you’re ruining my castle?” Macbeth shouted, ready to strike Julius again. Julius then earned a huge wound from this attack and caused both men to drop their own swords. Meanwhile, the castle started burning down.
    Not knowing which is which, Julius accidentally took the poisoned sword and got stabbed Macbeth this time. Before Macbeth fell dead, he realized that Julius took his poisoned sword.  Julius, not satisfied with this, decapitated Macbeth. Meanwhile, Julius’ men were winning over Macbeth’s followers. When everyone saw Julius carrying Macbeth’s head, they finished the bloody war and started leaving before the castle burry them all alive.  Julius, on the other hand, felt weaker and weaker. Not long after, he fell dead while the other officials including Brutus, Cassius, Mark Antony died as well.
The knights hurried back to their ships and Puck undid the spell under Hamlet. He was the only man standing after the ships had left him.
                 On their way back to Rome, the knights decided to make Montague their king after Julius Caesar and everyone else died. Montague, knowing that there was treaty between the Capulets and Julius Caesar decided Romeo to marry “Capulet’s niece who looks exactly like Juliet”. Romeo strongly disagreed upon hearing this for he knows Juliet is still waiting for him but at the end, he knew he can do nothing about it for Montague told him Juliet was already married.
      When the day of the wedding came, Romeo was still in deep melancholy. He knew that by this, he would be breaking his promise. The Romans warmly welcomed the Capulets. Everyone was celebrating for Romeo and the mysterious girl are being wed together with Hermia and Lysander.

       At the altar, Romeo was secretly hoping that he isn’t supposed to marry a woman besides Juliet. The door finally opened for his bride to come forth. His heart was pounding as this lady walked down the aisle. When he was finally face to face with her, he felt some kind of connection. He lifted her veil and discovered that he already know the woman. She was the one he have always wanted to marry. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thank You For All

Our lives are full of adventure. Even there are hardships and pains that might be encountered in our life. A part of our adventure is entering and going to school. There, we meet different persons, gain friendship and even problems that we can solve. Inside each classroom, there's a person who always guide every student. That person is our teacher.
We cannot say that a teacher is just a normal person. They became our second mother in our life. They became part of our life since we're with them every weekdays in our school. They teach us new lessons in life, even if its for the subject or even a lesson that may be applied in our emotional and in social life. Even though that in some moments, we're childish enough to make them annoyed and we're sorry for those events. Also, whenever that we have problems, most of them are trying to find the root of that problem and will try their best to help us.
All that I want to say is thank you for all the things that you did for me, for all of the students. You taught us so many things in this world, so many lessons. Thank you again. I know, that I'm late to say it, but Happy Teacher's Day to all!