Saturday, January 4, 2014

This Day Finally Came

             This day finally came. This is the day that I’ve waited for so long that I think of this event every time. I became so nervous when I arrived at a restaurant where I will meet a mysterious man, a man with his own creations that are world class stories. As I look at my watch, I can feel the ticking of the clock. It felt like I can feel even a tiny sense because of my tension and excitement.
             When I heard that a person entered the restaurant, I turned back to see who entered the room. I was filled with joy when I saw that man. He was the one and only Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a novel writer that created one of the most outstanding characters in the field of fiction books. That character is known as Sherlock Holmes.
“A pleasant afternoon to you Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I’m very sorry for causing you trouble to meet up with me sir. I owe you an apology”, I said.
“Oh please, don’t you worry about it. You’re not causing trouble to me. It’s that I’m grateful that even kids your age are interested and reading my novels””, he said.
“I’m very sorry to disappoint you sir Conan Doyle...the only novel that I’m reading is Sherlock Holmes only”, I said.
“Oh, it’s all right, the good thing is that you’re reading my novel, but why is it that Sherlock Holmes gave you the interest to read?”
“I’m a type of a person that is interested in novels with a genre of mystery. When I first knew about Sherlock Holmes, it was said that the character in that novel is in high intelligence and solves cases which gave interest to me. That’s when I started reading Sherlock Holmes also because my brother has the two volume of your book “, that’s what I said to him.
“So that’s how you met my fictional character”, he said.
After Sir Arthur Conan Doyle finished his statement, he signed the waiter to bring him water. As he drank his water, I started again the conversation we had.
“Sir, can I start asking you questions about your work but the main topic that I will ask is about Sherlock Holmes?...”, I said.
“Yes of course, you can now start”, he smiled after saying those words.
“Why is it that the line or the genre of the novels that you mostly write is in line of mystery?” I asked.
“Our mind is a vast space containing things that we have maybe because of our imagination, our experiences in life or even the things that we want to do can effect on how way we think. It is that the way I think mostly provokes the detective part of me which makes me having those types of novels. As the same as yours, your type of thinking provokes the detective part of yourself”, he said.
“Nosebleed...Just kidding sir”, I said.
We had a laugh at each other and the conversation continued.
“What is your inspiration on writing novels even in other genre?” I asked.
“I can say these things only; first is that you must discover yourself. Next thing is that you must learn what type of genre you wish to write. When you already achieved that kind of goal, the only way to write good novels is that it must come from your heart. You must write or have the idea in your novel only are those that came from your heart”, he said.
“Thank you for answering that question sir. How did you create Sherlock Holmes sir Conan Doyle? “I asked.
“That is a type of a question that I cannot answer, I’m so sorry. Only you can answer that question.” he said it while looking straight to my eye.
I was filled with fear during that time because it felt like he was serious. I started asking him again when I felt that he was smiling at that time.
“Err, sir, why is it that you let Moriarty die in one of your short story entitled as “The Final Problem”?”
“I will let all of the readers of this book even you yourself to discover the reason why I allowed Moriarty to die in the Reichenbach Falls.”
When I looked at my watch, I realized that it was afternoon. That’s when I remember that I have another appointment to have with.
“Sir Conan Doyle, I wish that I can have longer time with you, but there’s an appointment that I had with my client this afternoon. I’m so sorry for this kind of event. Once again sir, I appreciated the time that you used for me to have a conversation with you sir.” I said.
“Mr. Quinto if I’m correct, there’s no need for you to be sorry. I am glad that I can have a time with a person that is interested in one of my books. I also want to say thank you for allowing me to know you. See you again next time Mr. Quinto”, he said.
“See you again next time sir Arthur Conan Doyle”

As we walk away from that restaurant, I once wish again that we will have another conversation someday.